Kate Mueller, Vice President of Student Services, Coastline College

Vice President of Student Services

Coastline College

Dr. Kate Mueller has worked in higher education since 1985, and in the California Community Colleges since 2001. Dr. Mueller describes her experience in higher education as that of a generalist, who has worked at a variety of types of institutions (public and private, large and small, four-year, community college and international), and built a breadth of responsibilities across the spectrum of academia, including both academic affairs and student affairs. Her areas of expertise include student conduct and threat management, Program Review, SAOs, SLOs, Accreditation, Guided Pathways and Competency Based Education. Since 2001, Dr. Mueller has worked in the Coast Community College District, as Dean of Students and then Dean of Enrollment Services at Orange Coast College, and currently at Coastline College as Vice President of Student Services.

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